• Zoom teleconferencing (map)
  • Zoom link is sent the week of the meeting.

The book club meets by Zoom 7 - 8:30 PM, the first and third Thursdays of each month, starting Jan. 19 and ending April 20. There is no charge to participate!

This is a peer-led group, with Calgary IMS providing the Zoom space, technical support and administration. At the first meeting, we will ask for volunteers from the group to take turns hosting an evening through offering topics for discussion and helping to guide the meeting.

The book - Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm by Thich Nhat Hahn. Fear has countless faces: from the fear of failure to worries about everyday life, from financial or environmental uncertainties to the universal despair we all experience when faced by the loss of a friend or loved one. Even when surrounded by all the conditions for happiness, life can feel incomplete when fear keeps us focused on the past and worried about the future. While we all experience fear, it is possible to learn how to avoid having our lives shaped and driven by it. When you practice well, you become a refuge for yourself and also for your loved ones.

Questions? Please e-mail Sonja at communications@calgaryims.org with your name and e-mail address.