• Christ Church Elbow Park (map)
  • 3602 - 8 St. SW
  • Calgary, AB
  • Canada

Belonging to a meditation group is a great support for your practice! Join us the 4th Tuesday of each month for meditation, a Dharma talk and Q&A/group discussion, with a little (optional) chanting at the beginning and the end.

Tuesday nights are suitable for experienced meditators or newer meditators looking for a challenge. Meditation periods will usually be about 30 minutes and most often not guided.

Teachers: Carmen Wyatt

7:30 - 8:45

Cost: Pay what you can. The suggested amount is $10, but anyone unable to pay this amount will not be turned away. Money recieved goes toward the facility rental fees and to support the teachers.

Location: 2nd floor at Christ Church Elbow Park - enter the west door and go up the stairs or take the elevator. Turn right at the end of the hall once you're upstairs. Free on-street parking and in a lot in the alley behind the church.