• Hosted by Calgary IMS (map)
  • Calgary, Alberta

Online Weekend Retreat with Jeanne Corrigal

Registration is now closed.

It can sometimes feel like stress and circular thinking are like a busy highway in the mind. This retreat explores the Map to Liberation, which offers an “off ramp”, leading to peace and ease. Developing this “off ramp” interrupts the round-about thinking, cultivates the powerful awareness that we have choice in every moment, and develops confidence that we can meet any situation with wisdom. This confidence in turn supports greater ease and peace.  

This retreat is an opportunity to practice together in the quiet joy of community. Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome. There will be dharma talks, Q&A, and room for delight!

Questions? Please contact info@calgaryims.org.

About Jeanne

Jeanne Corrigal has been practicing since 1999, is a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leader Program, and the guiding teacher for the Saskatoon Insight Meditation Community.  Jeanne is a member of the mixed heritage Métis Nation, one of three Indigenous communities recognized in Canada. One of her first teachers in loving presence was Cree Elder Jim Settee.  She is a participant in the 2017-2021 IMS teacher training program.

Dates: Friday, April 23 at 7PM to Sunday, April 25 at 3:00 PM.

Zoom link: This retreat will be delivered by Zoom teleconference. The link and other retreat information will be provided close to the retreat date.

What’s Dana?

Since the time of the Buddha, Dharma teachers and mentors have offered the Buddha’s teachings freely, as they are considered priceless. This act of giving to the community is in turn supported by those who receive the teachings through giving dana (pronounced dah-na). Dana means generosity and is one of the central tenets of spiritual life. There are many ways to give dana, such as sharing kind words, sharing your time and talents, or offering financial donations. Dana practice supports the spiritual capacity for letting go, caring and interdependence and is one way to express appreciation for the teachings and gratitude to the teacher for their offerings.

The tradition of offering retreats on a dana basis helps us keep our fees as low as possible. The fees we do charge cover the costs of the practical inputs that go into delivering courses, retreats, workshops or other programs, such as facility rental, teacher transportation, or technology, along with some of the basic administrative costs of Calgary IMS operations. In any course or event that states dana is accepted, none of the fees collected goes to the teacher. Dana offered to the teachers supports their continued ability to learn and teach the Dharma to benefit others in the future.

Contributing dana is optional and the amount of the donation is a personal choice based on your own circumstances and reflecting on what you would like to give from your heart. Any amount is received with sincere gratitude and appreciation for your practice.